IS THIS THE WATUSI? -- Jaguar Richard Salvatierra (10) returns a ball against Griffins. Carlos Paredes, Cooperative
Griffin boys JV defeats Jaguars
The International junior varsity boys volleyball team defeated Cooperative in straight sets Tuesday afternoon in the Jaguars' gym, but were tested in the second set.
The little Griffins won the opening set 25-15, but the seond was a squaker, with International finally winning 25-23.
Knight JV conquers Eagles, 2-0
By Trevor Reed
Christian Learning
The Cambridge Knights JV volleyball team defeated the Christian Learning Center Eagles in a close match played in the International gym.
The Knights gained an 8-0 lead in the first set, but the Eagles fought back to make it 8-7.. The momentum switched back and forth between the two teams before the Knights pulled ahead to win the first set 25-15.
In the second set, both teams came back in determined fashion. After tying the game up at 9-9, the Knights slowly inched ahead of the Eagles before stretching their lead to 25-19 to win the second set and the game.