FORGET SOMETHING? -- Knight seems to have headed upfield before getting the ball, and a Jaguar prepares to exploit the situation. Carlos Paredes, Cooperative |
Not again!? Jags, Knights tie 1-1
The Cooperative and Cambridge junior varsity boys soccer teams once again fought to a 1-1 tie in a game played Thursday on the Cooperative field. It was the same outcome that the two teams had in the opening game of the season and served to jam together the League standings even more than they already were.
For a slight variation on the theme, this time it was the Knights who won the postgame shootout 5-4 to gain the extra point in the standings. (Cooperative had won it last time.)
As a result of the tie, and International's win against Christian Learning, Cambridge is now in first place with nine points. International is in second with eight; and Cooperative is in third with seven. However, the most important fact is that any one of these three teams can win the regular season championship by winning both of their remaining two games.
The scoring in the Cambridge Cooperative game occurred in less that a minute shortly after the start of the second half. Gabriel Alonso scored for Cambridge on a short-range blast that the Jaguar goalie juggled, allowing it to bounce once just inside the goal before he could fall on it.
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SECOND CHANCE PAYS OFF -- Griffin Joaquin Blasco (7) had his first penalty shot blocked by the Eagle goalie, but pounded home the rebound. Jonatan Muñoz, International |
Griffins beat Little Eagles 4-0
The International junior varsity boys soccer team scored a pair of goals in each half, and defeated Christian Learning 4-0 on their home field Thursday. One of the Griffin goals was a penalty shot that Eagle goalie Jerome Malloy initially blocked, but deflected the ball back to the shooter who didn't miss his second chance.
The win kept the Griffins solidly in the hunt for the League regular season championship, but must play its two chief rivals -- Cambridge and Cooperative -- in its remaining two games.