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November 2, 2008

Soccer Championships Photo Contest

Giannina Gutierrez shot picked as best

Graphic designer Christopher Anello Johnson awarded the $50 grand prize in the contest for best photo of the 2008 SCISL Soccer Championships to Giannina Gutierrez´picture of a clash between International's Mario Rohrman and Jaguar captain Jorge Rojas.
"This is an excellent action shot, very well composed," Anello said. "I was looking for good photography and design elements -- color, direction, movement, focus. And, most important, did it tell a story. This picture had it all."
Anello, who is creative director and senior business partner of Galindo Consulting Group Inc., with offices in Equipetrol, gave three other pictures special citations:
"Melisa Roca vs. The Bouncing Wall" -- This shot of a free kick by Griffin Melisa Roca rebounding off a jumping wall "really told a story," Anello said. It was taken by Carlos Peredes of the Cooperative technology department.
Paredes also took the shot of two Cambridge girls sharing their grief after their shootout loss to Christian Learning. Anello said the picture captured the emotion of the loss.
The picture by Jonatan Muñoz of the Cambridge boys team taking its victory lap after defeating International in overtime was the third picture given a special citation by Anello. Muñoz teaches computer science at International.
Both Paredes and Muñoz work with the yearbooks staffs at their schools.
More than 70 pictures by six different photographers, including faculty, students, and parents.
The winners and many of the other enties are show in the 2008 Soccer Championships Album, which follows.